Learning Journey

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Reading Wk3.

This week I have been on the stadium, lessons, English lessons, and library on reading eggs. I have done 141 lessons in total and I have earned a lot of coins to spend or save.
There is a lot of challenging books for me.

Writing Wk3.

We also have continued
with our weekend writing,this is my finished one.
My buddy did not do a lot so I have produced this recount by person.

Maths Wk3

This week we have still worked with place value,but now I am working with Looking for tens.
This is my progress of it.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Wk2 T1 Reading .

This week we are learning about the different parts of a story.They work together to form the plot.

TERM 1 Unassisted Recount.Week 2

Here is my unassisted recount that I did this week. We didn’t get any help from the teacher. We have made copies so that our friends can help  us improve them.

Friday, 5 February 2016

Basic Facts 2016.

Today we practised our basic facts Stage 5 Level 2.This took me 6 minutes.                                                                                                

My whole Numbers Diagnostic Test.

It was easy but I found it hard with rounding hundreds and number charts,but I was really good at heaps of my test.I think I need more practise with those two I got stuck on but it was fun.I go 92% percent :p .