Learning Journey

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Final recount test Term 4.

Kia Ora,
This is a screenshot of my results in our end of Term 4 recount writing test. My teachers have worked out my average score for writing and I am at 5B. This is well above the National Standard for my year level.I am doing great at structure and vocabulary.
I  need to work harder at my organisation next year.

Friday 1 December 2017

The Opunake beach.

Hi guys,
Today I went to the beach, Dad and Aunty Willie dived for pauas, all they got was Kinas.(sea urchins.)Here is the beautiful view from up top.All photos taken by me.After we went to wash off in my awa, Waiaua.I used the go pro to record that so I won't upload it on this blog.

Here is the view:

Going to the Urupa.

Hey guys,
Today I went to the Urupa, a Urupa is a cemetery.Me, my father, and Rose went to go see the whanau.

My Great Grandparents
My other great grandfathero

My Great Uncle

My trip to Opunake.

Hi guys,
tonight I did a trip to Opunake, Taranaki.We left at around eight and arrived at 4:05 in the morning.I'm really tired and am now heading off to bed.I will keep you updated on my journey.

Tuesday 21 November 2017

PAT Test Results, T4 2017


Last week we did a P.A.T reading test, PAT stands for Progressive. Achievement. Test.
I think I did well, I got stanine 6, and the score of 30.Here is a photo of my test:

Thursday 21 September 2017

Hearts and Kidneys.

Kia ora.

This week we had Mrs. B bring in some organs for us to observe.
She brought real animal hearts and kidneys.This relates to our recent visit to Life Ed.It was very interesting and I must say it did smell nice when they were cooking.Here is some writing inspired by yesterdays experience.

Here is a photo of my group.

Here is my writing.
(To view in large size click on it.)

Thursday 14 September 2017


Earlier this week we did an experiment.We wanted to make patterns and different colors by pouring water on skittles.We had to use our senses to describe what we saw using adjectives and other writing jems to make our writing better.I wrote a short recount, I used all my senses.
Here's my Recount:


Fading colours blend together like a smoothie.Silence struck the room when the skittle bag shook, the shake of the bag sounded like a rattlesnake shaking its tail.An aroma of sour lime and sweet strawberry flew up my nose.I sniffed the air, it made my mouth water.The tempting taste of the skittles were heavenly.The crunch, the flavour and the smooth edges of the skittle rub gently against the side of your mouth.