Learning Journey

Thursday, 14 September 2017


Earlier this week we did an experiment.We wanted to make patterns and different colors by pouring water on skittles.We had to use our senses to describe what we saw using adjectives and other writing jems to make our writing better.I wrote a short recount, I used all my senses.
Here's my Recount:


Fading colours blend together like a smoothie.Silence struck the room when the skittle bag shook, the shake of the bag sounded like a rattlesnake shaking its tail.An aroma of sour lime and sweet strawberry flew up my nose.I sniffed the air, it made my mouth water.The tempting taste of the skittles were heavenly.The crunch, the flavour and the smooth edges of the skittle rub gently against the side of your mouth.


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