Learning Journey

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Descriptive Writing

Kia Ora.
This week at school we had some scientists observe our class.
They looked at how well we worked on our computers and how our teachers work with us.  We did some descriptive writing using our 5 senses, we chose a picture to write about.  We were expected to write a short story about it using our 5 senses but we had to do at least 3.
Here is my story called the burnt hospital :

Ashes crumble silently from the burnt crust walls of the hospital.
Faint noises of mice echoed through the walls.
You can feel the rusted bars of the old beds.
The walls smell musty and damp.
Hanging torn curtains covered in ashes dance in the wind, making ashes fly like fairies.
The smashed glass windows shattered into tiny bits of glass ready to slice your feet open.


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